A safe and highly effective physical method of exfoliation with a sterile surgical blade to remove the top layer of dead skin cells and as a bonus it also removes “peach fuzz.
The Benefits
Our dermaplaning treatments include Red Light Therapy & a Jelly-Mask carefully selected to meet your skin's needs. Led Red light therapy uses a specific natural wavelength of light for therapeutic benefits, both medical and cosmetic.
Removes dead skin cells and vellus hair.
It helps makeup go on smoother and more evenly.
Improves skin tones, texture and clarity.
It prevents acne from forming.
It does not make the hair grow back thicker and darker.
Red Light Therapy
Increasing collagen production in the skin, which gives the skin its elasticity
Incre4asing fibroblast production, which helps produce collagen and othe3r tissue fibers
Increasing circulation between blood and tissue cells
Protecting cells from damage
Improving facial texture
Reducing Fine lines
Reducing wrinkle severity
Dermaplaning services start at $130